YA TRAILER PARK: Invisible by Jeanne Bannon

YA TRAILER PARK: Invisible by Jeanne Bannon: For more information about Jeanne's books, visit http://beyondwordsblog.blogspot.com/


  1. Lola's story is told with sensitivity to anyone who has felt like an outcast, wished to be as pretty, popular, and confident as those around them. The teen years are defined by a need for learning who we truly are. We do this by the process of comparison. How do I measure up to everyone else, where do I fit in, why am I different, and perhaps most importantly, how do people see me? For some, the answer is clear. They see disgust in people's eyes. Ppeople turn away. Worst of all, they see the need that some people have to inflict pain. They conclude - if that is how people see me, then I'd rather not be seen at all. One can't help but be moved by Lola's literal expression of that commonly felt desire.

    Even so, Lola's story is anything but depressing. In the first couple of pages, we see sparks of moxie as she lifts her chin and strides into the sunshine, hairy legs, bulging belly and all. There is a suggestion of inner strength, which Lola taps as her story progresses. Her strength is fortified by her relationship with her grandmother who accepts Lola unconditionally and provides the anchor she needs. That connection is even more poignant when seen in the light of Lola's immediate family - her pretty, petite mother, her slim, good-looking father, and her beauty-obsessed sister, none of whom know the real Lola. It isn't their fault. Lola has never trusted them enough to open up and reveal herself. Her grandmother offers the richest, most fulfilling relationship in Lola's life.


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