Shameless self promotion

I'd like to share my Kirkus review of Invisible by yours truly. Sorry for the self-indulgence. I don't do this often but the review means a lot to me.

A young girl just shy of graduating high school acquires a new gift and a way to literally hide from the world. “Sometimes I disappear,” she explains.

Lola, self-described as “fat” and “freakishly tall,” lives a lowly existence. Her parents, desperately clinging to their youth, barely acknowledge her; her sister belittles her; and she’s a target for bullies. She finds solace in her love of writing, her BFF Charlie (short for Charlene) and her maternal grandmother, affectionately called Gran. Any wish she had to become invisible in the eyes of cruel teenagers is suddenly a reality, as she vanishes from others’ sight and is neither seen nor heard. Lola soon realizes that she disappears during emotionally intense moments. Bannon’s debut novel adequately captures the life of a bullied teen: the dread of facing classmates at school, the self-loathing and the incessant anger that may be unleashed onto others. A standout scene features Lola disappearing at a clothing store, incensed at her mother’s resolve to buy her a dress. She calmly sits and watches as her mother and a salesgirl frantically search for her, and the fact that she easily explains away her vanishing speaks volumes about her mother’s lack of interest in her daughter. Lola’s object of affection is Jon, but her relationship with Charlie is more complex, particularly considering that Charlie’s sexual preferences are teasingly ambiguous throughout most of the story. The novel, which touches upon mature themes and showcases some colorful language, seems to be aimed at a young adult audience.

Absorbing, warm and occasionally playful—the story of a young woman whose invisibility helps her to better see herself, and helps others to see who she really is.

Pub Date: Sept. 26th, 2011
ISBN: 978-1466368750
Page count: 185pp
Publisher: Solstice
Program: Kirkus Indie
Review Posted Online: Jan. 13th, 2012
Invisible is available on Amazon


  1. Thanks so much, Joy. Your kind words mean a lot :)

  2. A great review! I can't wait until I can finally read this story. It sounds wonderful, and a nice change for the Teen genre -- a good look at reality.


    1. Thank you so very much, Alexandra. Can't wait to hear what you think of it :)

  3. Great review! You deserve to crow about it!

  4. Excellent and well-deserved. I can vouch for Invisible as a great read. I enjoyed it very much.

  5. Hell, I get a Kirkus review like that I'd be flashing it too. It' a great review, but then Invisible is a great book.
    Happy for you friend.

    Susan stec

  6. Congrats on a really great review!
    Wishing you much success :o)


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