
Showing posts from August, 2009

What do I Know

All I know for sure is that I know nothing. Although I've been a writer/editor for almost 20 years, I still feel like a neophyte. Each time I begin a story (or even a blog), I'm never quite sure I can make it good enough for anyone to want to read it. But, I do love writing and I can't imagine my life without it. Since I'm in the middle of the second draft of my novel, I want to share my ups and downs and what I'm learning about publishing along my journey. I've never had a novel published, but I have had many short stories and articles published. Since it's easier to get a shorter piece of work published - start there. Write those short stories or articles and send them out. The wait for an answer is usually a long one, so be prolific and send out your work as often as you can. Soon, you will have a steady stream of answers. It's important to have these small successes because they keep you going. They feed your hunger and provide motivation. As well, i...

Manifesting Reality

Here I am. I write and I send my stories out into the world. Now I wait. I started writing a long time ago. I was in grade three when my teacher stapled my poems and short stories together and added my first published work to the classroom library. Success was so much easier back then. I wonder if my child's mind and imagination was enough to manifest my dreams into reality. Because today, I am an adult and although I have have had successes, I think perhaps my cynical mind has done enough damage to my manifesting abilities that success, true success if being held at bay. I do hope that I can move beyond my doubts and make my dreams come true. What do you think about all this manifesting your own reality stuff? Can it be true? And if it is, then why are so many people still holding their breaths and waiting, as I am, waiting and waiting and waiting? Writing is a frustrating art. It is not for the faint of heart and it certainly teaches the virtue of patience. This week, I received ...