Michael Thal and The Legend of Koolura
Michael L. Thal, an accomplished freelancer, is the author of The Legend of Koolura and Goodbye Tchaikovsky . He has written and published over eighty articles for magazines and newspapers including Highlights for Children , The Los Angeles Times, and San Diego Family Magazine . You can learn more about him at www.michaelthal.com . On February 18th, Michael's Novel, The Legend of Koolura will be free on Amazon The Legend of Koolura tells the story of a sixth grade girl and how she obtained the cool powers . She has the ability to dematerialize at will and reappear where she chooses. She can move objects with her mind and she can even defy gravity! But will these powers be of any use in stopping a stalker intent on her destruction? The stalker is determined to retrieve Koolura’s unrealized cool powers and hurt any of her friends who get into his way. As the hour approaches for Koolura’s final confrontation with her nemesis, she...