It's been like, well, forever!

Hey there, can't remember the last I time I parked my butt in a chair and wrote a good ole blog post. I thought it was time, not that I have a lot to say. This post will be woefully short. However, I do have a question that I would love answers to. First, a little background. About a month ago, I signed a movie option agreement for my YA novel, Invisible. My question is, anyone else out there have any advice for me? I don't know what to expect (if anything). Do these things drag on for years ultimately leaving authors broken hearted with disappointment? I feel like I'm in limbo. Living in the land of dreams and what might be. Hope to hear from a few of my writer pals who have some experience with movie option agreements.


  1. Hi Jeanne,
    You reviewed a chapter of mine, so I decided I'd check out your work. Once I saw you had a blog, I thought I'd take a look.
    I certainly don't know anything about movie options personally, but I do know that Janet Evanovich signed an option when her first book came out over ten years ago, and they just made it into a movie in 2012, I think.
    However, best selling author Colleen Hoover, who lives just up the road a ways from me, has had her first two books optioned just a few months ago and one of them is already in the works! So, it can go both ways. Really fast, or really slow.
    I'm hoping yours goes fast!
    ~Ann Everett

    1. Hey, Ann, thanks for stopping by. Thanks also for your comments about movie options. I hate being in the dark and not knowing where things are with my movie option, but I'm letting go and letting it be whatever it will be. It would be nice if Invisible became a movie no matter how long it took :)

      Loved your chapter by the way. You've got a unique and intriguing voice :) ... Jeanne


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