In the first of this three-part series, a child named Carnikko is born into dire poverty and raised by an over-zealous religious mother and an alcoholic non-believing father. Life is hard in the backwoods, especially when there's little to eat and no coal for the stove. Carnikko is taught to believe in the power of prayer, and when that doesn't seem to be enough to help her with the trials and tribulations she faces, she turns to an invisible companion called Purple Angel. Her young life is incredibly difficult as she constantly deals with hunger, inadequate clothing, ridicule at school, and the constant fear that each time her father leaves for an extended period of time, he might not come back. As bad as things are for the young child, things can always get worse, and unfortunately for her, they do. A tragedy of epic proportions comes crashing down into the center of her life, changing everything, and setting her on a completely different...