Interview with author, Andrea Buginsky

I'd like to welcome Andrea Buginsky to my blog today.

What is your most recent novel and if you had to sum it up in 20 or less words, what would you say?

My most recent novel is The Chosen, Book 2: Nature’s Unbalance which is still on spec with my publisher. It’s about The Chosen searching their world for the cause of a shift in nature that has everyone spooked, and learning how to put a stop to it.

What or who inspired you to start writing? And how long have you been writing?

My own imagination, I guess. I’ve always been an avid reader, and enjoyed writing papers in school. I started thinking about writing as a career in college, and decided to try my hand at books after I graduated.

What book are you reading right now? And in what format?

Come Back to Me by Melissa Foster in PDF on my Kindle.

Do you have any advice for other writers? And what’s the best advice that you have been given when it comes to writing?

Just start. If you get stuck, take a break, and then go back after doing something else. Read what you’ve written so far, and continue from there. Move on to another part of the story and come back to where you were later.

The best advice I was given was to never give up.

Tell us a little about your road to publication. Was it a long one?

It took a few years. I first with children’s stories, but they kept getting rejected. I decided to try to write for YA, because I thought I could write that voice better than a younger child’s. When I got the idea to try fantasy, I worked on my first book for three years. After it was done, I began searching for a place to submit it. Then I had the opportunity to pitch it to several publishers at the Muse Online Writers Conference in October 2010. I was offered a contract with Solstice Publishing, and The Chosen was published as first an ebook and then in paperback. I love having my first book published!

Anything you’ve found to be particularly helpful in marketing your books?
Not yet. That’s still something I’m learning how to do. I have an event coming up with several other authors at the beginning of November as part of a book launch for another author: It’s the Come Back to Me Launch Party through Women’s Literary Café ( We’re hoping it will reach many readers and gain a lot of interest.

Where can readers find you?

Facebook Author Page:
Twitter: @andreabuginsky
Solstice Publishing:

Thank you, Andrea. Best of luck with all your endeavors!


  1. Marketing yourself is the hardest/worst part of being a writer in the modern century. But then again, writers in Poe and Shakespeare's age had to do it too. They printed their books and then hocked them. Even Dickons sold his books in penny installments on the the street corners.

    So I guess this is our digital street corner. Anyone got a mini-skirt I can borrow? I have some merchandise to move. LOL.


  2. Traditional and self-published authors are all in the same boat when it comes to marketing online; all of us are still working to figure out how social media works! While having a website and blogging is pretty straight-forward, Facebook, Twitter, and now Google+ are rather complex channels with a steep learning curve. I've concluded that it's a lot like writing, I just have to leap in and work at it, every day.

  3. Thank you TirzahLaughs and Carrie for your insights into marketing. Tirzah, let me know how that miniskirt works out for you ;)

  4. Great interview, Andrea!

    Best wishes on your success!

    Writing as AR Silverberry

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Great interview, Andrea! I am the same way...reading all those years just fueled an imagination that needed a release! Much success to you! ツ

  7. Thank you, R.S.! Much success to you as well.


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