Why do we write?

As far back as I can remember, I've written. I wrote poems and simple short stories as a child. I wrote horror stories as a teenager (Stephen King was an early influence). I wrote for the college newspaper while working towards my journalism degree. And even though I took a long hiatus to raise my family and work, the urge to write never fully disappeared.

My teenage daughter will enter university in the fall with the hope of earning an English degree so she can be a high school English teacher, but when I make the suggestion that she write a short story, I get a big fat NO.

So, my questions are - what makes us write? Where does this unfailing urge come from? Why do some people love to read but never want to write? I'd love to hear your thoughts.


  1. I like the idea of creating stories, creating people. I love listening to music, but though I occasionally I think it'd be nice to play an instrument, I just don't have that level of interest.

    It's a really complex question.

  2. Thanks for commenting, Christine. For me it's not really loving the writing process itself, but loving it when I have written.

  3. Hi Jeanne, thanks for visiting my blog 'Books and Quilts'and inviting me to return visit here.

    I didn't start writing until I started my blog. Now I did write what seemed like thousands of papers at University, but not for fun or stories. Now I write because I have to get those words out of my mind.

  4. Hi Heather,
    thanks for stopping by to comment and for the follow. I very much appreciate it :)


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