Anyone want a free ebook?

In celebration of the release of my novel, Invisible, I'm going to give away five kindle editions to the first five people to leave a comment. Please leave your email address with your comment.

Here's the blurb -

Lola’s not pretty. Lola’s not popular. Lola wishes she could disappear
… and then one day she does just that...

For seventeen-year-old Lola Savullo, life is a struggle. Born to funky parents who are more in than she could ever be, Lola’s dream of becoming a writer makes her an outsider even in her own home. Bullied and despised, Lola still has the support of her best pal Charlie and Grandma Rose.

Not only is she freakishly tall, Lola’s a big girl and when forced to wear a bathing suit at her summer job as a camp counselor, Lola’s only escape from deep embarrassment seems to be to literally vanish. Soon after, she discovers the roots of her new “ability”.

Slowly, with Charlie’s help, Lola learns to control the new super power. The possibilities are endless. Yet power can be abused, too…

Then, when tragedy strikes, Lola must summon her inner strength, both at home and at school. She has to stand up for herself, despite the temptations and possibilities of her newfound super power.

A coming-of-age story that will warm the heart.


  1. Jeanne, as a fellow Caledonite I am very pleased to see your book come to fruition. I personally think you should do a book release and signing at Forester's Bookstore in Bolton. We just love our local authors!

    Christine cooper

  2. I wake up from my Blog Stupor to try for this because I would love to read it, Jeanne. I'm so happy that you've got it published, and it sounds like an amazing read!

  3. Yay! I love seeing fellow bloggers getting published. Congrats!

  4. Congratulations, Jeanne! Like I said on Joy's blog yesterday, your cover looks awesome!

    Join me at the Rule of Three Writers' Blogfest!

  5. Thanks everyone. The contest is now closed. Congratulations to everyone above. I will send you each a kindle edition of Invisible through your email. Would you all kindly send me an email at so I will have your email address or post it here.

  6. Hi everyone, with the exception of chasing empty pavements, you should all have your kindle edition of Invisible. Hope you enjoy it!

    @chasing empty pavements, I need your email address in order to send the ebook. :)

  7. @Coopspeak - Christine, yes, indeed I will have a book launch/signing at Foresters when the book comes out in paperback. Right now it's only available as an ebook.

  8. I am so glad I was fortunate enough to read the ARC, because Invisible is incredible.

  9. Well it does not appear I am one of the first five, but I will certainly be looking up Invisible. It sounds like a really good read.

    twitter - ZDz59001

  10. I held off on commenting because I didn't want to rob the others of the book. I plan on buying it anyway.



  11. @Denise, sorry you didn't make the cut in time, but thank you for your kind words :)

    @Tirz, you're such a kind and sweet lady. Thanks as always for your support and for just being you :D

  12. @Michelle, sorry, my dear friend. I forgot to say thanks for your kind words. I didn't mean to leave you out :(

  13. This sounded like a great idea, so I just sent you a copy of my book for your kindle. It should be in your email! I hope you like it.


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