Interview and giveaway with author Dianne Hartsock

Dianne Hartsock is a wonderfully prolific author. I have had the honor of reading and reviewing, Alex. A terrific read for those of you into paranormal thrillers. She would like to offer a giveaway of a n ecopy of Alex to one lucky commenter. Just tell Dianne who your all-time favorite literary character is.
Tell us something about yourself and how you became a writer.

I grew up in California, lived ten years in Colorado, and now make my home in the beautiful Willamette Valley of Oregon with my husband and college-age son. My daughter lives nearby and attends OSU. I’ve been writing since 7th grade where a very supportive creative writing teacher said I had talent. It’s funny, but I didn’t settle down to serious writing until about three years ago. I went through the ‘Writer’s Workshop’ given by Wolf Pirate Publishing that really opened my eyes. I never realized how much I didn’t know about writing a story! 

Tell us about your novel and where readers can purchase a copy.

With Alex, I wanted to take a different approach than the usual serial killer/psychic story. This is a story of a young man able to experience other people’s emotions and sometimes see their thoughts. The story is told from Alex’s unique perspective, revealing how he deals with his ‘gift’ in a doubting world. I wanted to show the vulnerability and insecurities of the typical twenty year old, plus the added stress and confusion caused by his abilities. Alex is a young man whose mind has slipped beyond the common boundaries of life. Only the love and support of his friends brings him through the summer safely, with his mind whole.
Solstice Publishing:

What have you had published to-date?

Shelton in Love, Breathless Press, May 13, 2011

Shelton is falling hard for his best friend and roommate, finding Nevil’s dark good looks and moments of gentleness almost impossible to resist. But Nevil is more interested in affairs of the body than the heart. As Shelton’s desire for the man grows, he wonders if he can change Nevil’s mind. But does he even want to? Nevil might not stay, once he learns Shelton’s secret, and then his loneliness would be complete.

Shelton’s Promise, Breathless Press, July 8, 2011

Shelton has a gift he’s eager to give to Nevil. At a party, Nevil flirts with one man after another, keeping Shelton on his toes. Then Percy, an ex, shows up to complicate things. Despite his best efforts, Shelton can’t find the right moment to give Nevil his gift. Will Nevil ever let Shelton get close to him, or will Shelton have to keep the gift in his pocket all evening?

Shelton’s Goodbye, coming soon from Breathless Press

After a year of bliss with Nevil, Shelton is offerd the promotion at the bank he's been working towards. Unfortunately, it's in another state and Nevil doesn't want to move. As tension mounts between them, Shelton is given another challenge in the form of a besotted co-worker. Torn between desires, Shelton has to choose his future. That is, until Nevil takes the decision out of his hands.

Trials of a Lonely Specter, MuseItUp Publishing, October 13, 2011,

There's been an accident. Quinn believes he's dead, though Liam insists otherwise. But it that is the case, why does Quinn see the two of them as ghosts? And why does Liam play along? Exposed to mediums and apparitions, Quinn has a decision to make: either accept his fate or risk everything to trust Liam one more time.

What are you working on right now? Tell us a little about it.

At the moment I’m working on a fantasy/adventure/erotica simply titled NATHANIEL, though that could change.

Taden is falling hard for the strange traveller; protecting him not only from the Sutherlins but from his own mistrustful people, who don't understand Nathaniel's power and believe him to be a witch. Will Taden convince Nathaniel to stay with him, or will the youth sail home and leave Taden in lonliness?

Do you plot your stories or do you just get an idea and run go it?

Usually I’ll be inspired by a song or a scene from a movie or book. A vague idea starts to form, but I won’t start writing anything until I have a beginning and a loose idea of how the book will progress to the ending. Of course, all that changes as I write! But I like to think I have a little control before the characters take over and write their own version.

What’s your favorite / least favourite thing about writing?

My favorite thing about writing is discovering my characters. I usually have an idea of how they look and their basic characteristics, but as I write, they seem to open up to me. They tell me their deepest secrets and past mistakes, their loves and triumphs and heartaches. Their hopes for the future. I don’t always like what I learn about them, but it’s always interesting.
What I don’t like? The only thing I can think of is that I never seem to have enough time to do all the writing I want to!

What are your favorite books?

The creepy books of Dean Koontz. The mystery/romances of Elizabeth Peters. Medical thrillers by Robin Cook, Michael Palmer, Michael Crichton, Michael Stewert. The thrillers of Patricia Cornwell. So many more…

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

I have a fantasy/adventure novel being considered by a publisher. In five years I hope to see it published, either with them or somewhere else, along with the sequel I have written and the next one I’m plotting out. Then maybe I can quit work and write full time! Yea!

Where can readers find you?

Thank you, Dianne, for visiting and talking about all your novels.

Contest ends midnight Saturday, September 3rd. (EST)


  1. Hello, fellow campaigner! I'm not in your group, but I still wanted to check out your blog and say, "HI!"

    Awesome interview, Jeanne. I'll have to check out those links and see where they take me. :)

  2. Thanks for commenting, David! And thanks for having me as your guest, Jeanne.

  3. Hi David, thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'll cehck out your blog :)

    Dianne, it's my pleasure :)

  4. Hi Dianne! Nice interview. I have Shelton in Love on my TBR list. Alex sounds like a good read too.

    Good luck on your writing!

  5. I saw Elizabeth Peters in there! One of my favorite authors! And I'm really interested in reading your works Dianne!

    Hmm, favorite literary character...Joan Foster from Margaret Atwood's Lady Oracle. I just loved that book to death.

  6. Great Interview! I love paranormal thrillers and Alex sounds awesome.

    Gosh, my all-time favorite character? That's tough. I've got a lot of characters I love, but one of my favorites is Lestat de Lioncourt from Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. :D

  7. Dianne, your description of Alex has me instantly hooked. Thank you, Jeanne and Dianne, for an excellent interview.

    Hmmm, my all-time favorite character? This is like selecting just one chocolate from the box. :) Master Li from Bridge of Bird comes to mind, especially with lines such as "Error can point the way to truth, while empty headedness leads only to more empty headedness--or to a career in politics."

  8. Hi Marlena. I haven't read 'Lady Oracle' yet though it always sounded interesting. I'll have to find me a copy. :)

    CherylAnne, I agree with you about Lestat!

    Michelle, I've never heard of that book. Sounds great. One more for the list.

  9. Another Dean Koontz fan here. =) Dianne, your book sounds thrilling!

    *waves to Jeanne* Hi campaigner friend. =)

  10. Hi Crystal, waving back. Nice to meet you. :)

  11. Dianne and Jeanne, you've both just made my day letting me know I was lucky enough to win a copy of Alex. I can't wait to start reading it!

  12. Hi Michelle, so glad to put a smile on your face! :) Enjoy the read!


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