Liebster Award

Recently I was awarded the Liebster Blog Award from Tracy Krauss As I understand it, this award is given to bloggers with fewer than 200 followers to help them to build their readership. I am honored to have been chosen and thrilled to accept the award. Thank you, Tracy :)

I would love to pay this award forward by awarding it to the following bloggers:

Lizzy Stevens, author, who selflessly promotes other writers on her blog with interviews and guest blogs -

Susan Stec, author of The Grateful Dead series, a great friend and writer of a campy and fun series of supernatural novels - you've never read about vampires like those in her books -

Anya Miller, whose blog is chock full of really interesting and informative info including a blog hop, going on right now -

Tirzah Goodwin, an extremely talented cover artist and gracious and kind friend -

Joy Campbell, talented author, friend and mentor for her blog Snippets & Splashes -

The Rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.
2. Give the Liebster Blog Award to five bloggers and let them know in a comment on their blog.
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.

Once again, thank you, Tracy Krauss


  1. Sweet BunnY! And all fun blogs.:)


  2. I did a shout out for you for the award and reawarded it on my blog.


  3. Thanks! Posted and linked back to you here :)

  4. Congratulations on a very well-deserved award, Jeanne! These look like some great bloggers you've passed the award along to.

  5. I am a fellow campaigner, altho I found your site through Tirz's site, so see, this is working already!

  6. Thank you, Michelle :)

    Hi Bridget, great to connect with you!

  7. Congratulations, girl, and thank you so much for sharing the honor! I'll keep the ball rolling.
    Susan Stec

  8. Hi Jeanne! I just awarded YOU the Liebster Award! So congratulations on receiving it twice :) You can pick up your reward on my blog:

  9. Hey there anonymous Susan, you're welcome friend :)

    Hi Andrea, thanks for the honor. This will make it three times! :D


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