It's a Brand New Year - Gonna Make the Most of it!

Happy New Year! I haven't blogged for a long time. Frankly, I haven't had the energy but it's a new year and it's resolution time. I have many - to take care of myself, to lose some weight, to finish my latest novel, Incarnate and to blog more. I will post updates on my progress so that I can be accountable to someone other than myself and hopefully, to inspire others.

Today, I exercised. Yay for me! I did 30 minutes on my eliptical trainer and 15 minutes of weights. I know it's not a heck of a lot, but it's a start. My goal is to lose 10 pounds. Right now, at this very moment, I weigh 144.8 pounds. Yikes, never thought I'd let that number be made public.

However, on Monday, January 7th, I will be going under the knife to have my gall bladder removed. I'm sure I won't feel like (or be allowed to) exercise for a while, so I will be taking some time off to heal. BTW, I'm scared to death but it has to be done. Who knows, it might even help with my weight loss. Anyone know how much a gall bladder weighs? LOL ;)

As for my writing, I've completed the first draft of Incarnate and will begin the second draft after my surgery. I will provide updates as I go. I plan to write every day, even if it's just for 20 minutes. Baby steps and small do-able goals - that's what it's all about.

Good luck to everyone out there who, like me, have decided to make positive changes in their lives. Leave me a comment and let me know what your resolutions are and keep me posted on your progress. Perhaps together we can get things done!


  1. My mom got her gall bladder removed and at first she wasn't allowed to eat any fatty foods. Even now she has to be careful. So in that way, it probably will help.
    Best of luck in 2013!

  2. Hi Jenna, I thought having gall bladder disease would have made me skinny because I can't eat fat or I get sick, but strangely, it has made me gain weight. Although a lot of it is due to bloating so having my GB removed will definitely help with that. Thanks for the comment and for stopping by for a read.

  3. Good luck on your upcoming surgery, I know you'll pull through with flying colors.

    As for a New Year's resolution, it's the same this year as it was last year: to get at least one story published.

    1. Hi George, thanks for stopping by and for the positive vibes. Good luck with your resolution. I'm sure you'll accomplish your goal. :)

  4. Happy New year, and good luck with the surgery and the resolutions. I'm sure you'll do well with both!

    1. Happy New Year, Damyanti :) Thanks for the well wishes. I really appreciate it.


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