Post Surgery Report and a Nagging Muse

I'm happy to report my gall bladder surgery is over. I had it done on Monday, January 7th. All went well. I'm a little sore and it's kinda tough to get around at the moment. But now that the black cloud of worry has finally blown away and I'm beginning to feel the nag of my muse at last. 
I've learned something about myself over these past few weeks. I can't write unless I'm happy. So much for artistic angst. I've got to do my best to stay positive so my muse will be tempted to creep back into my life. She's a touchy one and I've got to keep her surrounded by love and positivity if I want to keep her around.
Not much I can do on the weight loss front for another four weeks. No working out for me at the moment and of course, I'm swollen up like a blow fish right now so there's no sense in weighing myself.
I want to thank my family and friends for their support over these past few days as well as extend a huge THANK YOU to Dr. Lane-Smith who skillfully removed my diseased GB. And an even bigger THANK YOU to the angels who work at Headwaters Hospital in Orangeville. And by angels, I, of course, mean the nurses. No sweeter, kinder women walk upon this earth. :)


  1. Oh, glad to hear you're recovering. Take it easy! I, too, work best when happy.

    1. Hi Linda, thanks for stopping by and for the well wishes. :)

  2. It's great to hear that the surgery went well and that you're on the mend! Hmm, bummer that artistic angst didn't work for you though. ;) It works for me but oddly so, my writing flows but it becomes very dark.

    1. Hi Heather, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Thanks also for the kind words.

      No, angst is not my friend, but I'm glad it works for you. :)

  3. Interestingly enough, I've come full circle with my writing. When I'd started writing some 7 years ago, the only way I could write is if I was angry.

    Now the only way I can write is if there's a slight angry flavor to my otherwise upbeat writing mood. Let me tell you, it makes things quite interesting.

    And I'm very glad to hear that everything was a sucess.

    1. Hi George, like you, I used to be able to channel my anger/sadness into my writing but somewhere along the way, something shifted in me. Now, I have to be content for my creativity to flow. I just wish it was always there, no matter my mood.

      Thank you for your well wishes.


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