My Experience with Amazon's Prime Select Program


As a writer I'm always trying new ways to market my book, especially in this day and age when publishers expect authors to do much more than simply write the novel. Since the publication of, Invisible, I've run the marketing gamut - from blog hops, to radio interviews, to guest blogs, to every type of social media out there. My novel was selling but in no way was it a best seller.
When I heard about Amazon's Prime Select Program, I figured I had nothing to lose and gave it a try. I was pleasantly surprised. Recently, I had my first 'free' day and just discovered that almost 6,000 copies were downloaded. This is a wonderful way to get your book out there and in the hands of readers in order to develop a following. I know I won't be making any money when my book is given away for free, but something wonderful happened. In the days following the freebie day, my sales soared. Another fringe benefit has been the positive feedback Invisible has received in terms of reviews and ratings on Goodreads.
I'd love to hear from other authors who've participated in the program. What has your experience been like?
Until we meet again...Jeanne


  1. Hey Jeanne, So glad you had a great experience with it!
    I've been happy so far with Select. I did a 2 day giveaway and had over 12,000 downloads. After, I had some good sales, getting up to about #3,500 in paid kindle books. The best part was that I've had a bunch of great reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. I didn't see any increase in sale for my second book, but I think that is because the book I have in Select isn't part of a series.

    1. Hi Ang, Wow, that's amazing! I think I might do a two day freebie next time. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  2. Do they tell you when your free day is in advance?

    1. Hi Neal, no, I told my publisher when I wanted the free day and they arranged it for me. :)

  3. Glad that worked well for you, Jeanne.

  4. Hello Jeanne and thanks for the "heads up"!!

    I published Cut Limbo in December, just before Christmas but too late I guess for Christmas present sales as selling is a tad slow. I didn't expect to be a best seller over night despite Cut Limbo's originality but I expected a little more. I guess I need to get on Kindle ASAP and take your advice.

    Great to hear it from an author, appreciate your time, best regards, Peter

    1. Hi Peter, thanks for stopping by and commenting. The first freebie day went so well, I'm going to do it again - Feb 8th and 9th. The trick is to promote, promote, promote :) Best of luck to you :)


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